As part of our future power supply strategy, and through a specially negotiated provision with our wholesale power provider, LPEA is pursuing the development of a community solar project near Sunnyside Elementary School. 

The LPEA Board of Directors approved the purchase of property adjacent to an LPEA substation in January of 2022. They then awarded the construction contract to Konisto Companies in August of 2022. The 1.7 MW, 9-acre project will generate an estimated 4,643,000 kWh per year, which is enough to power 600 homes. We estimate the project will be completed in the Spring of 2024. 

Community solar is a form of solar energy generation that allows community members to access the benefits of renewable energy, including reduced energy costs, community ownership, and equitable workforce development. Community solar programs also make solar more accessible for LPEA members. Rather than having to put solar on their home, members can subscribe to a shared system of local solar panels. 

LPEA is currently moving through the permitting process and exploring how to distribute the energy generated by this project. A portion of the energy will be purchased by La Plata County, the City of Durango, and Durango School District 9-R to power certain facilities and support their carbon reduction goals. Another percentage will be offered to interested income-qualified members. Any remainder could then be offered to LPEA’s general membership through subscriptions to the community solar project. 

Please email with any questions or comments related to this project.