Member Perks
LPEA Member Perks
As a member of LPEA, you are also an owner, which means you directly invest in – and benefit from – the success of the co-op. When you make a payment to LPEA, a portion of that payment goes directly toward your investment in our electrical system. In years that LPEA earns positive margins (i.e., profits), we allocate a portion of those profits to you based on the amount of electricity you use in the form of Capital Credits.
The Capital Credit allocation and retirement process is called LPEA's CashBack program.
In 2022, the LPEA board elected to retire $4.5 million in Capital Credits to our members. Members will see that as a check in the mail (for amounts over $100) or as a bill credit on their July 2022 LPEA bills (for amounts under $100).
*Allocation: Your allocation is your share of LPEA's annual margins, based on the amount of electricity you used in that year.
These funds are NOT available to you until they are retired.
† Retirement: When these funds are no longer needed for operating capital they are retired and your allocations are returned to you.
In partnership with our power provider Tri-State, LPEA offers rebates to help members implement energy efficiency and beneficial electrification measures in their homes and businesses. We offer rebate programs for residential and commercial members. For details and application forms for each rebate program, click the corresponding box below.
In partnership with First Southwest Bank (FSWB), LPEA can support your energy efficiency and/or solar photovoltaic project through our On-Bill Financing (OBF) program. This program aims to help our members finance these projects over time while reaping the energy-saving benefits immediately.
Apply for a low-interest loan to finance your energy efficiency projects with FSWB. If approved, you will then pay that loan off over time as part of your LPEA electric bill. That means no extra bill to keep track of and no extra hassle.
LPEA members can save money by spreading out our collective power use and decreasing periods of peak demand. To decrease this peak demand, LPEA’s optional Time-of-Use rate charges members different rates for their power based on the time of use. Higher rates are charged during the “on-peak” hours and lower rates are charged at all other times.
Budget Billing
Budget Billing helps you avoid seasonal highs and lows with an even monthly payment.
Auto Pay
Enjoy the convenience of having your bill automatically paid each month from your bank account or card when you enroll in Auto Pay.
PrePay accounts allow you to pay upfront for your electricity use and avoid monthly bills. Text and/or email notifications will alert you when your balance is low and needs to be recharged.
Non-profit Grant Programs
LPEA awards grant money to support local non-profits. We offer several types of grants and supply tens of thousands of dollars annually.
Each year, LPEA provides 10 scholarships for graduating high school seniors (or the equivalent) within our service territory.
LPEA is proud to help the communities we serve through our sponsorship program. Our sponsorship funds aim to support non-profit organizations, events, and activities that focus on education, STEM (Science Technology, Engineering Math) programs, youth development, economic development, and community enrichment.
Teaching about the dangers of electricity and how to stay safe around electricity is a top priority at La Plata Electric Association. We welcome any opportunity to visit your school, community, or business group with electrical safety presentations that are memorable and tailored to meet your needs.